
Entrepreneur Lifestyle & Business Management

A Social Media Game Plan That Actually Works

Does your Business Plan include Social Media Marketing…then you better get the 5-10-15-20 Game Plan!

Have you ever sat through a business planning clinic? Have you seen the numbers? Do you follow them or even know what they mean? From your market analysis to your financial analysis through your profit & loss and projection analysis…there seems to be a number for everything! How about simplifying things a bit and just follow the numbers 5-10-15-20!

Among all these dizzying numbers in your business plan, the 5-10-15-20 are the easiest and most controllable numbers. They not only are specific to generating leads, they are manageable, easy to implement and can be done in a reasonable period of time within your daily lead generation time block. On top of everything else…they are fun to do unlike most things that involve generating leads!

Breaking down the 5-10-15-20 Game Plan looks like this…

Seek out and friend, fan, follow, plus or connect with a minimum of 5 new people each and every day!

These are people that you would and could engage with and eventually get into a business relationship…

Like, retweet, comment and share a minimum of 10 updates, tweets or posts each and every day! This is part of the social media game plan.

Clearly, engaging with and edifying others goes a very long way to creating and fostering long term business opportunities.

Spend no more than 15 minutes each and every day on these tasks. Remember, YOU have a business to run!

You can easily ‘sprinkle’ throughout your day a few minutes here and a few minutes there to equal your 15 minutes…DON’T SPEND ALL DAY IN FRONT OF YOUR COMPUTER!!!

(Full Disclosure-I can tell you spending only 15 minutes a day on all this may not be realistic…but all goals must be time specific so do your best! I won’t come hunt you down if you spend a few extra minutes generating leads online, promise!!!)

Concentrate on the 20%!

Pareto’s Principle, the 80/20 Rule, should serve as a daily reminder to focus 80 percent of your time and energy on the 20 percent of you work that is really important. Don’t just “work smart”, work smart on the right things.

So, there you have it! A Social Media Game Plan that actually works! And like all great game plans, when executed properly, always results in a WIN!

Speaking of social media game plan, do you contact your database monthly? How about quarterly? How about annually?

If you’re not using Social Media as a consistent means to engage with your Database, you’re losing a vital opportunity to talk with folks who’ve already given you business and more importantly have given you permission to get more!

5 Essential Ways to get more business

1. Top of Mind Marketing-

Every time you post a blog article or an update on facebook, you are offering a means to stay in the ‘line of site’ with those in your database. Offering tasty tidbits of helpful info or edifying & recognising someone or something to invoke engagement keeps your database from forgetting about you.

2. Word of Mouth Marketing-

Giving your database a place (and more importantly, a reason) to send their friends, family members and co-workers to your facebook page and blog site filled with information and helpful articles goes kilometres and kilometres further then just hoping they hand out your business card.

3. Permission Marketing-

Your database is MUCH more inclined to offer you and your services to their sphere if they don’t feel like you’re bothering them! Be diligent in friending, following and connecting with your database and ask them to subscribe to your blog…allowing your database to assimilate your posts and updates at their pace.

4. Return Marketing-

As facebook updates, twitter tweets and blog posts get indexed, your ability to get noticed for something you said months and even years ago grows. Proper use of keywords and post tags gives you visibility on the Search Engines and creates a return again and again on a post or update you made long ago.

5. Credibility Marketing-

Of course all this is for naught if you don’t post or update good content and helpful information. The better informed you are, the better your information is in your posts and updates. Credibility is really one of the highest returns on investment of your time and effort with all this! When it comes to getting more business through facebook and your blog…it’s all about being able to deliver the goods!

Today’s social media game plan is to take good care of your database and they will take GREAT care of your business.

© 2017-2024 Hiii