
Entrepreneur Lifestyle & Business Management

8 Most Important Factors For Ranking In Google Search Results

SEO requisites are something that undergoes changes after every few days. It might be challenging to keep up with recent developments. But you have to up your game if you want your website to acquire traffic.

Well-optimized websites receive more traffic with time that automatically means better sales & leads. SEO is paramount for users to be able to discover your website. In this content we are going to learn about vital ranking in Google search factors for bringing in more business.

An accessible & secure website – If you want your business to rank on Google search, you must be able to get hands on the correct type of URL. The URL must be something that Google’s bots find easy to crawl & reach. For helping the bots, all you will need is:

A sound website powered with a website builder that is well coded

A sitemap is required for listing every page of the website. In case you are operating a WordPress website you must set up sitemap through Yoast SEO. Other than that, online sitemap generators can be employed as well

HTTP is a frivolous ranking factor but an amazing one for users. So your website needs to be having it. Enabling SSL security for your website is a must.

Page speed – If you are the owner of a WordPress Development Company, your constant target will be driving more and more customers that can only happen when your company website’s search website ranking is high. So how do you achieve that?

You need to emphasize on SEO ranking factors such as page speed. The objective of Google is always to enhance user experience & rapidly loading website pages serves the purpose. In fact as per one algorithm update by Google, it also stated that any website can encounter penalization if it does not load rapidly on mobile devices.

Mobile friendliness – In context to the topic of mobile, the Google search results ranking factor that is extremely important is mobile-friendliness. In the current era most of us use Smartphones more as compared to desktops. This is one of the major reasons why changes have been brought in the manner Google ranks the search results.

The mobile-first index of Google is a very important element which means that Google is drawing results from sites that are mobile optimized. It does not focus much on sites that are geared to computers. When SEO is concerned if your site is not mobile optimized then you might miss out on a lot of benefits.

Domain age, Authority & URL – 70% of the websites comprising a top ten rank search results on Google are 3 years old or can be more as well. So in case your website is on the web for quite some time, then you can take insightful tips from this content for optimizing your website.

Domain name is witnessed as important for some scenarios. But Google penalizes similar domains as well. This penalty is usually for spammy websites with thin content. But having said all this, it is important to emphasize on a URL that resonates with your business.

Another important factor for website rank on Google search is Authority. Good content, off-page SEO signals such as social shares & inbound links play an important role.

Optimized content – To rank well in search results should constantly be your aim in context to your website if you want to outshine your competitors. Search algorithm of Google depends largely on keywords. Using keywords in website content that is relevant to your website is very important so when users search with those phrases and words, all they receive is the link of your website. Also people these days are searching by voice which is why optimizing for natural language searches & questions within content optimization also holds importance.

Technical SEO – You can easily rank high in Google search results by looking at these aspects:

  1. Utilize keyword phrases in all page titles. Google emphasizes on this first for determining the content that is applicable & to what search
  2. Content hierarchy must be displayed by employing header tags. If the format of the title is in H1, then the format of subheads must be H2 or H3
  3. User experience – Google employs Artificial Intelligence for ranking web pages and this signal is regarded as RankBrain. For optima ranking in Google search, optimizing descriptions, contents and titles is important or else these signals can affect the search engine rankings:
  1. Dwell time – Users for how long stay on your website after landing
  2. Clickthorough rate – The number of individuals who click for visiting your website after the coming up of an entry in search results

Links – You can largely improve WordPress search results by focusing on three kinds of links:

  1. Internal links
  2. Inbound links
  3. Outbound links

Google employs inbound links for determining the content’s relevance and authoritativeness.


Now that you know about 8 important indispensable SEO ranking factors, your aim must only be high ranking in Google search for bettering your brand value. Get started with professional help today. Contact us.

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