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7 Excellent Search Engine Optimization Quotes and How to Apply Them

We are in the digital world where we get access to everything in a fraction of seconds which is the best thing. This is particularly true when researching Search Engine Optimization.

Through SEO, you can increase the website’s visibility in search engine result page. Search Engine Optimization has been around you for the past few decades to build your brand. Moreover, every person is processing high towards the search engine optimization to build their brand and make their website rank high in search engine result page.

This article guides you with excellent search engine optimization quotes written by leading epigrammatists which will serve you better.

“Today it’s not about ‘get the traffic’ – it is about ‘get the targeted’ and relevant traffic”

An amazing quotation was written by “Adam Audette”. In the above quotation, the author elegantly explains that the goal of SEO analyst is not to rank in the first position. The main goal is to generate leads and sales. So, always ensure that you add exact keywords to target the right audience.

By doing the same, you can bring a good conversion rate to your business. To target the exact audience, use “Google’s Keyword Planner Tool”. You can also move one step further by organizing those keywords. You can do this by – (i) Research Intent (ii) Buying intent.

The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google search

The most remarkable quotation by an anonymous epigrammatist. The sad truth about the search engine optimization is people, look to your website only if it is ranked on the first page of google’s search engine result page. Moreover, the website should be ranked between one and ten for better visibility.

If your website is visible on the second page or more than the second page of the search engine result page, there would be no proper visibility. If you relate it with the above quotation, the epigrammatist explains the dead body as your website and if you mean to hide, then the best place would be more than the second page because of less visibility.

Better content is overweighing more content

An astonishing quotation was written by popular epigrammatist Rand Fishkin. In the past or a few decades before, everyone believed that publishing more contents may help them to rank better in the search engine result page. So, they started this as a tactic and started to publish more contents. These published contents lack in quality rather than quantity.

Moreover, they scaled up with the lower cost for the contents and articles. When Google recently updated the algorithms, many contents fell from the search engine result page and came behind. Always remember that, if you start to post content is a Google, look for the quality rather than quantity. Quality contents rank better in the search engine result page rather than the quantity of the contents.

Successful SEO is not about tricking Google. It is about partnering with Google to provide the best search results for Google’s users

Phil Frost is the author of the above quotation. Many SEO analysts understand unfairly and use many traps to make their website rank better in the search engine result page. They believe that they are tricking Google to rank high on the result page. But the fact is, Google allows only organized information with proper keywords.

So instead of tricking Google, use proper HTML code, write relevant copy and optimize page load speed. By using it properly you can make your site rank high in the search engine result page. Moreover, you can even furnish a valid reason to rank better in the result page comparatively with the competitor.

My rule of a thumb is to build a site for a user, not a spider

Another extraordinary quotation which was written by Dave Naylor. Many SEO believes that ranking their websites in the first position can generate more leads and sales. But, this doesn’t work.

When you relate with the above quotation, as an SEO analyst, you must always target the customers, not the spiders i.e., ranking the website in the first position doesn’t generate the leads and sales instead it only increases the traffic. So, you must always keep the audience in mind before positioning high in the search engine result page. Only if you keep the audience in mind, you are able to generate leads rather than gaining more traffic.

On a broad scale, I see SEO becoming a normalized marketing tactic, the same way TV, radio and print are traditionally thought of as marketing tactics

Many customers use different search engine platforms such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and so on to find the products or services which they need. Moreover, they can also prefer using televisions, radios and magazines in search of their products or services. So, it is better to have a good SEO strategist. SEO strategist can bring back the customers towards the internet and make them buy the product through online mode.

This happens because SEO strategist do more research on the webpage and make you done with their analysis. As the above quotation, television, radio and magazines may be a marketing tactic. But, preferring the right SEO strategist helps you done right easily. Moreover, by using an SEO strategist can cut down most of the expenses comparatively with television, radio and magazines.

Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first

Wendy Piersall is the author of this quotation. It is a simple and elegant quotation where everyone loves it. The main aim of Google is to organize all the information online and present the best sites on the top of the page. When Google starts to process the best information, it takes many factors into consideration.

One such important factor is the number of references or links that site have. These references are important considerations to decide which website is the best. So to make your website’s rank high, you must also have proper references and links to the source. Every reference and link are like a vote that explains, Google that your website is best.

About the Author

Fazeela is a Digital Marketing Executive at Bright Bridge Infotech, a lawyer seo marketing company and she enjoys learning about the Digital Marketing field. She specializes in guest blogging, blog publishing, and social media.

She is an avid reader and loves writing impeccable content pertaining to digital marketing. She holds a bachelor degree in Engineering.

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